Wednesday, June 7, 2017

My Top 10 Rules for Success

My Top 10 Rules for Success

  1.  Always Be Yourself. It does not matter what others think of you, if you know that you are doing something good then continue doing that because you are doing everything for yourself.
  2. Do not let anybody get in your way. At the end of the day you are doing everything for yourself to achieve and reach success no matter what. If somebody toxic comes into your life and you know they are stopping you from getting to the top then get away from them.
  3. Always work your hardest. I remember once in middle school my teacher told me that my better can always be better, he shared a quote with me that goes " Good, better, best, never ever rest, until your good is better, and your better is best. 
  4. Have a positive attitude. No matter what you are doing whatever you love has to make you happy so always smile because that can take away any stresses you may have. 
  5. Work towards the future. Every choice you make can affect your future. 
  6.  Keep negative people Away. They are no good and will only bring you down
  7. Never Give Up. Giving up may be your greatest regret. 
  8. Have time to yourself. There are times that you will need to relax and it is ok to take break as log as it is at a good time. 
  9. Work towards your best. Your best can always be better as long as you are improving then that means you are doing something right.
  10. Set goals. 

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation 

This class was very challenging and that is one of the things I like the most. Most of the time I had challenges because I didn't understand how to complete the coding activities. Luckily I had good partners to help me along the way. Another thing I liked about this class was how we get to express our own opinion on ways to be successful and how to do other things. A recommendation I would have for this class is to change up the schedule because I myself really struggled with getting bored because we would come into class and always do the same thing, so it was really nothing different than any other day and I just became accustomed to it. A highlight for me in this class was the Code Studio because it was always a different lesson with a new challenge and at points it became very fun, it sort of became a game for me and my partners and we would have mini competitions within each other so it would be more fun. I believe I did my best in this class although at the beginning I faced many challenges I did do my very best to understand and now I have very much improved from the beginning. Yes, I do read my life planning goals. My life planning goals have helped me achieve what I wanted this semester and this year, which is probably my best year in high school. I am committed to being a ctr person, although sometimes I admit I may not always choose the best path most of the time I do but I will better myself to make it that I am always doing whats good. Overall I believe I had a very good experience in this class and I had fun being able to challenge myself. I did all my work on time and did at a good level. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Top 10 Rules for Success

Top 10 Rules for Success

By: Steph Curry

1. Visualize Your Goals 

2. Be the Hardest Working Person

3. Stay Confident 

4. Do it Your Way 

5. Be Creative

6. Stay in The Moment 

7. Better Yourself Everyday

8. Have an Upbeat Personality

9. Be the Best Version of Yourself

10. Actions Speak Louder than Words

Reflection: These 10 rules from Steph Curry are important because lots of people and especially athletes can either relate to them or they can apply them to their own lives. The rule Better yourself Everyday stood out to me the most because I believe this is very true especially to athletes, this rule means to never give up and always work hard everyday no matter what. At the end of the day someone who is better than you but does not put in any work outside of whatever they do are not successful because they are allowing other people to catch up to their level, but someone who is good and does work hard everyday does not allow others to reach his or her level because they always want to be on the top and that is the good thing about these rules. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Top 10 Rules for Success

The 10 Rules for Success

Cristiano Ronaldo 
1. Just play

2.Be competitive 

3.Always take on new challenges 

4. Know your priorities

5. People judge you

6. Work Hard

7. Believe you are the best

8. Play for the team 

9. Enjoy the moments 

10. Have a sense of humor

These 10 rules for success are very important because  they are all true and I believe anybody can relate to at least one if not all. These 10 rules do not have to do with just people who play sports which is what most people may think, they can relate to anything you love. If you love something you do not let anybody get in your way which is where you should know that people will judge you because not everybody is going to love everything you do. The rule for knowing your priorities and working hard go together because in order to succeed you have to know yourself that you are doing it for a reason and that nothing else will get in the way. Working hard is something everyone has to do in order to succeed and you should not work less because you believe you are better than everyone, you should work even harder so that nobody can reach your level.

Monday, May 1, 2017

10 Seeds Of Greatness

10 Seeds Of Greatness

1. The Seed of Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
“From self-love to self-worth". Self Esteem means how you perceive yourself. To have a low self esteem means that you see yourself in a bad way, people with low self esteem usually do not succeed because they do not have confidence in themselves. People with a healthy self esteem usually always see the positives about themselves and have a good amount of confidence in themselves in order to succeed. Self Esteem means to see the positives in yourself and not put yourself down by calling yourself harsh names or even hurting yourself. To help your self esteem get better you can practice being positive and you can also practice telling yourself positive things instead of negative.

2. The Seed of Creativity  "Releasing your creative energy" To have a seed of creativity means to be creative or to have a part of you that is creative. Being creative means to think outside the box to let your imagination take control. But some may think that creativity can be good but sometimes it can be bad because you let your imagination run to wild that sometimes it may look to wild. You have to know how to control your creativity when it is needed. I believe artists know when to control they're creativity and when to let it run wild. Being creative may at times make you different from others nut that is what makes you unique. I believe every person has creativity but everybody's creativity is different. If you do not have creativity then you most definitely can get it. Creativity is something everybody has and if you think you do not then you are doubting yourself and who knows maybe when you find that creativity inside of you, you may love it.

3. The Seed of Responsibility "Whatever we sow, we reap" Responsibility is a huge part of success without it you will not achieve. Every person no matter what they want to do have to be responsible. In school you have to be responsible because you have to be caught up with work and assignments. Being responsible in school is especially important if you are in a sport because you have to be on the right track to play a sport. People may not want to get a job because it requires them to be responsible but what people don't know is that everything requires them to be a responsible even being famous requires you to be responsible. Being responsible shows people that you are capable of doing work and that they should trust you to do it and not any other person but you. Another big part of being responsible is to not make excuses be responsible for what you did and did not do.

4. The Seed of Wisdom Wisdom is very important because you have to know how to think correctly. Wisdom also means knowing how you feel about something and how you express your opinion. Wisdom means having quality experience, knowledge, good judgement and the quality of being wise. Good judgment means you know your right from wrongs.Wisdom also means having responsibility that is why these seeds of greatness are very important because they all contribute to one another. Wisdom is very hard to find in a person or to even find in yourself its based off judgement and how you see a person and what you consider to be wisdom. Wisdom also means how much you are able to grow with yourself and how you learn from your mistakes and what you do from those experiences.

5. The Seed of Purpose The seed of purpose is very important because without a purpose why would you even do anything. To me, I do everything with a purpose. If I do not do it with a purpose then to me there is no point in doing anything because when you have a purpose to do something then I believe that you put your all into it. When you have a purpose to do something then you put your thought into it you try to make it your best instead of making bad which is what you will do when you do not have a purpose to do something. For example I am in softball here at school, I am doing this for a purpose because I believe I can hopefully make it to play in college, some other girls on the team just do it to have a sport on their college applications, my coach says if you are playing just for that do not play.

Seed 7 Faith the power of believing. To believe not only means to believe in something that might be imaginary it can also mean to believe in yourself. It is very important that you believe in yourself, because if nobody else believes in you then at least you have yourself. Believing in yourself is important because you are giving yourself a boost of confidence a boost or trust you have in yourself. When you believe in yourself you automatically get yourself to do so much better in everything. It lets you motivate yourself in every way and it does not let anybody stop you from getting what you believe you can get for yourself. Its letting your faith take you where you know you want to go. Faith in yourself means trust in yourself.

Seed 8 Adaptability "Turning problems into Opportunities". Adaptability is when you are able to adapt to your surroundings. To adapt to your surroundings does not necessarily mean to adapt to trees and water or such things of that nature, it can mean more than that like, adapting to the people around you and to things like if you are learning something new. To  be able to adapt is a great quality because it means you are able to not only settle yourself in but by being able to adapt you are able to learn quickly. I believe that when you adapt quickly you learn quickly because your mind takes less time being confused and it actually tries to learn something unlike other who do not adapt quickly and spend most of their time being confused. It also means to be able to adapt to change, lets say an obstacle to your goals come your way, being able to adapt to those changes and overcome them is what adaptability is all about.

Seed 9 Perseverance. " The will to win is everything" Perseverance means to never give up and to always give it your all no matter what. Perseverance is a quality that not many people have and the people who do have it are people who succeed the most in life. People with perseverance are people who always strive for their best and they know how to overcome obstacles. When obstacles to their goal come in their way they know how to overcome or just simply go with it. By saying " simply just going with it" I mean that they do not give up they try to overcome or they find ways around this obstacle so that they can get back on track to their goal. I believe perseverance is a quality everyone should have but sadly not everyone has it. I believe this is because people motivate themselves differently and also the people that they have around either do not motivate them at all or only very little.

Seed 10 Perspective. "Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude" Perspective is important because it means the way people or you see things. Perspective is important because if you see things in a negative way then you most likely will not succeed or you believe you can not and then you won't. People who see things in a positive way have a higher chance of succeeding because they believe they can succeed and see the world in a way where nobody can stop them. Perspective is the way somebody sees things in the world and this can be either good or bad. If you see things in a negative way you will be afraid to take on the world and if you see them in a positive way then you will take on the world as if nothing can stop you.

The 10 Seeds of Greatness are important because they help shape who you are as a person and how you act towards other people. These 10 seeds can help you be successful as well, the seed of perseverance is important because it means to work hard and to never give up. The seed of adaptability is one that I believe a lot of people will overlook but in fact is one of the most important because it is what helps you overcome obstacles and adapt to what the world is putting in front of you. The 10 seeds will help you overcome the obstacles that the world gives you, it gives you helpful tips on how to challenge yourself to do your best.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Ten Tips For Being More Truthful: Barbara A. Lewis

The Ten Tips For Being More Truthful

Barbara A. Lewis

  • Make a commitment to tell the truth. 
  • Tell someone about your commitment. 
  • Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason. 
  • Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony. 
  • Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it 
  • Don't indulge in little white lies. 
  • Watch out for silent lies. 
  • When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse. 
  • Talk to yourself. 
  • Treat yourself when you tell the truth.
Reflection: These ten tips benefit me because they teach me what truthfulness should look like. These ten tips show you how to not only be truthful to others but as well to yourself. These ten tips are like steps to being an honest person they show you how to be accountable for yourself. Tip 1&2 say to make a commitment and to tell someone about it this is how you are making yourself responsible for your truthfulness. Being an honest person comes with its rewards,  by being honest you can or will be able to develop new friendships or grow on current friendships you are in. You will be rewarded by your honest work and how you responsible you are. A honest person can be superior just by being honest but as well as having other qualities you will be rewarded by higher positions at work, school, etc. These ten tips show you how to be a well brought up person you try not to lie as much as another person would and you will always find yourself trying to tell the truth, you try to minimize the amount of little white lies you create and if you do tell a lie you apologize and tell the truth showing how responsible you are as a person and how honest you are not only to others but as well as to yourself.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Spring Break

Spring Break 

Over the spring break I did not do a lot. The Friday when we got out of school I left to Bakersfield for camping it was fun because we got to go to the river as well as the lake. I t was really really cold and the and the day we got there it was raining. Due to it being super cold we did not get into the river or lake. Luckily we had a couple of gloves and a couple of balls and a bat to play with, we also went on bike rides on a trail along the river to the lake. After that we went to Sequoia  National Park on Sunday, we spent Saturday at the river. I have been to that park before but this time due to the rain there was snow and lots of it. After spending a couple of hours up there we came back home. That weekend was fun. After the weekend I did not do much on Monday I had pitching practice for softball and after that I just came home and slept. The rest of the week I mostly spend my time at home with my boyfriend and his little brother coming over we watched movies and had lots of fun together. It was good just to spend time with each other. Thursday I came to school because I had practice and then went to Starbucks and In-n-Out with a couple of girls from the team. Friday, Saturday and Sunday I mostly just did the same thing just spend time with my boyfriend watched movies went to target, and went to a party as well. On Easter Sunday I went to Cabrillo Beach it was super cold, but fun because we got to go see the tide pools. It was an adventure but it was worth the view at the end.